True life experiences,personal thoughts on life, love, relationships and anything that counts....
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Number Fifty-five!
‘’Number fifty-five!’’
‘It can’t be possible’ my eight years old mind told me. I looked at my squeezed and water washed blue ticket again with renewed interest, like it was my ticket to heaven.
‘’Number fifty-five!’’
It was the last thing on the agenda for the day; the raffle draw and they had just called my number as the grand prize winner.
See, prior to that, when it comes to winning stuff, I have never given a second thought talk more of a raffle draw in an independence day mask party.
‘I won’, kept echoing in my head.
Now, the grand price was a shiny new small tricycle, which I obviously had no use for at the time, but the exhilarating fact was ‘I won!’
Luck had ignored hordes of noisy children and shined on me, mother earth was happy with me. My heart did a flip flop and a few summersaults in jubilation.
I don’t know how, but I found myself in front of the one thousand plus fagged out kids after a day of rigorous play and fun under the scalding sun.
I forgot in my excitement that one of my shoes was missing and I ran with one bare foot! Totally ignoring the look of disapproval on the presenter’s face, (nothing could spoil my day at that point), I presented my ticket.
The rectangular ticket was not in the best shape when I turned it in, but even a mad man could see the washed ‘fifty-five’ on the cheap paper.
It had fallen a couple of times and on one such unfortunate time, into a pool of muddy water. Looking at it in trepidation, contemplating picking it up, my thoughts were interrupted ‘Leave it there; no one ever wins this raffle thing anyway’.
It was my brother who, two years my senior, felt he at ten, was ’the wise one’ and I, usually his humble follower, for once wasn't tempted to do what he said. I picked it up as carefully as my little hands would allow and laid it to dry on the arm of my chair like it was a bird with a broken wing. He looked on with disgust, but I couldn't be bothered; it was my treasure.
The problem however, was that in my excitement, when asked if I would like to give a speech, my head acting on its own, nodded in affirmation when in my heart of hearts, I didn't want to.
Next thing, there was a microphone in front of my tiny mouth and I said the first thing that came to my limited brain
‘I want to thank the makers of the show for dashing me the bicycle’
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Ever been harassed by the Nigerian police? Tips on how to prevent it...
Have you ever been stopped at a police checkpoint and endured harassment, goading and abuse for no reason? Welcome to Nigeria where the police who are meant to protect, have become mercenaries for perpetuating crime and are a means to syphon money from defenceless citizens.
The statutory responsibilities of the Nigeria Police Force are to detect crime, prevent crime, protect citizens and properties, amongst others.
Nowhere in the world and even any section of the nation's constitution allows harassment, molestation, intimidation of the citizenry and the wanton vandalization and destruction of people's properties at the least opportunity as part of the Police statutory or over-sight responsibilities.
These rights are for motorists specifically:
• The police have a right to search you and your vehicle for anything contraband or illegal, but they do not have the constitutional right to confiscate any item.
• They have the right to ask for the following:
* Driving License
* Insurance Certificate
* Certificate of Road Worthiness (Commercial vehicles only)
You don’t need to Present
* Vehicle Purchase documents
* Proof of ownership (except if the vehicles is unregistered)
* Receipt of plate number
All that above is the law, according to the Police Act. Reality is actually different! My dear friends,the only documentation universally acceptable to Nigerian policemen is CASH, but this must be presented in strict compliance with established protocol.

Refuse to give up the cash in time and you may stop an "accidentally discharged " rifle round, or conversely give the cash up too hastily and you risk arousing suspicion that your vehicle contains a LARGE volume of cash that may become evident after a search. Large amounts of cash could inspire the police to "sentence" the motorist to death so as to be relieved of said cash, and so for those who do transport such bulk currency, a vehicle search is most undesirable to say the least.
Correct Nigerian police checkpoint decorum is as follows
1. Stop the vehicle but do not pull off the road unless asked to do so.
2. Listen for the key word "weekend" to be invoked by the policeman, as in “How for the weekend, sir?"
3. Tender your cash donation such that the officer may pocket it smoothly without giving full account to the other cops on duty.
4. Wave delightedly to the other gunmen as you are granted right of passage and start to pull away.
Any deviation from this MODALITY can cost you your life, reducing you to the status of another DB (“Delta Bravo" as in unclaimed Dead Body lying in the sun beside the road.
This is how to survive in this country, as sad as it looks and sounds...
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Mariah's awkward Idol pose
Mariah Carey is replacing singer JLO on American idol and to promote the show she strikes this pose???? na wa oh #awkward....
Hey guys! My friend Sleeq is out with his new hit single sugar girl
it for the pretty ladies out there so download from the link below and enjoy!!!
Monday, 23 July 2012
Ladies: Food for thought
I don’t blame the man that said beauty is pain.
Women go through a lot of things to be able to catch a guy's eye or more still,be accepted by fellow women. Sometimes I think the pressure to do all the beauty routines; the expensive hair, beautiful nails, fake lashes, the spa every month bla bla bla, is more from the ladies than the men.
For instance, some Naija girls want to wear expensive hair not so they can attract a guy, but so they can 'feel among' when in the midst of other chics. It has been proven time and time again that beauty is not the outward appearance only, but character, carriage and attitude are also determining factors.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I didn’t say looking good is bad but lady, once you leave your 'comfort zone', put a lid on it! The end point of surpassing one’s limit is disguised prostitution or becoming a chronic debtor leading to eventual embarrassment and harassment from creditors.
It’s no news that some of the men whose fancy ladies catch with the whole charade, just want to 'get the cookie' and move on. Remember when the prince of Spain defied all odds and married a commoner? Yes, such things do happen.
I once heard a guy say 'show me a beautiful woman and I would show you a guy who is tired of sleeping with her'. Outward beauty is not the ‘alpha and omega’.
After all these, one would think I am against looking good, don’t get me wrong, as I said before, stay within your comfort zone, by that, I mean CASH!!! Yes, money,one’s body type and personality too.

Sometimes I sit and wonder whether it’s worth all the hassle (especially times like this when I can’t sleep because I braided my hair!!!).I know some would claim that they are making themselves happy. Well, don’t kid yourself; there is always another side to a coin.
My point exactly? Live your life for yourself! Don’t look at what people would say or how they would react to you because in the end, we all answer for ourselves individually.
Do what you are comfortable with and what makes you happy, not what makes others accept you (don't be selfish sha oh) after all YOLO!
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Serves him right?: Six women rape a man to death in Benue State
A girl was raped back when I was in secondary school and it was a horrifying experience!
I was just a few meters away and that made it worse.
Well, in Benue State, the reverse was the case. I am kind of happy and I am feeling guilty for that, but can't help myself anyway.
Here's the story...
His fame and financial breakthrough pushed him into having up to six wives. His love for sex equally contributed to his patronage of the most beautiful girls in Ugbugbu Owukpa, Ogbadibo Local government area of Benue State where a man who was identified as Uroko Onoja was allegedly raped to death by his 6 jealous wives in the early hour of Tuesday.
Trouble started on tuesday morning, precisely 3 am when Uroko returned from Ochanja, a popular joint in the small community of Ugbugbu and headed to the room of his youngest wife. The other wives who according to the youngest wife, Odachi had a meeting before Uroko returned home invaded her room with knives and sticks, demanding that their husband have sex with all of them at once. Uroko who resisted their attack was overpowered by the women who ordered that the sex march begin with the youngest wife and to continue in that order to the top.
Our correspondent reported that Uroko stopped breathing when the fifth woman was making her way to the bed. “Suddenly, my husband stopped breathing, and they all ran out, still laughing, but when they saw that I could not resuscitate him, they all ran into the forest.
Uroko whose body has been deposited in a nearby Mortuary was until his death one of the famous persons in the village. According to most young people in the community, he was a philanthropist who had contributed positively to the growth of the community.
When contacted, the village head, Mr. Okpe Odoh affirmed that the matter had been reported to the police and investigation was ongoing even as the youth of the community are helping the police in search of the escaped wives.
As at the time this report was filed, 2 of the wives have been arrested.
Well, guess everyone would have a different reaction, so what's yours?
Culled from Daily Post.
I was just a few meters away and that made it worse.
Well, in Benue State, the reverse was the case. I am kind of happy and I am feeling guilty for that, but can't help myself anyway.
Here's the story...
His fame and financial breakthrough pushed him into having up to six wives. His love for sex equally contributed to his patronage of the most beautiful girls in Ugbugbu Owukpa, Ogbadibo Local government area of Benue State where a man who was identified as Uroko Onoja was allegedly raped to death by his 6 jealous wives in the early hour of Tuesday.
Trouble started on tuesday morning, precisely 3 am when Uroko returned from Ochanja, a popular joint in the small community of Ugbugbu and headed to the room of his youngest wife. The other wives who according to the youngest wife, Odachi had a meeting before Uroko returned home invaded her room with knives and sticks, demanding that their husband have sex with all of them at once. Uroko who resisted their attack was overpowered by the women who ordered that the sex march begin with the youngest wife and to continue in that order to the top.
Our correspondent reported that Uroko stopped breathing when the fifth woman was making her way to the bed. “Suddenly, my husband stopped breathing, and they all ran out, still laughing, but when they saw that I could not resuscitate him, they all ran into the forest.
Uroko whose body has been deposited in a nearby Mortuary was until his death one of the famous persons in the village. According to most young people in the community, he was a philanthropist who had contributed positively to the growth of the community.
When contacted, the village head, Mr. Okpe Odoh affirmed that the matter had been reported to the police and investigation was ongoing even as the youth of the community are helping the police in search of the escaped wives.
As at the time this report was filed, 2 of the wives have been arrested.
Well, guess everyone would have a different reaction, so what's yours?
Culled from Daily Post.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
The Naija Factor: Money vs Happiness.
One thing our Nigerian men fail to realise day after day, is that money can never and will never buy happiness. No matter how much you spend on a woman, or ‘think’ you spend on your spouse(which definitely includes taking care of the children, domestic staff and all other bills), it can never be a substitute for spending quality time with her in any way.
I once met a couple who have been together for close to nine years, have three beautiful children and all the trappings of wealth, yet the tension was so evident once you step into their home. I discovered, on having further intimate conversations with the wife, that the man’s idea of being a ‘wonderful hubby’ was paying for first class flights for their annual vacation, first class accommodations around the world, and snoring off on the couch once they are alone together!!
Oh boy!! What a laugh!!
Naija guys, please take some cues from your foreign counterparts and try to infuse a little bit of romance in some things you do for your spouse.
You have no idea how much she juggles to make your home peaceful and restful once you get back from work. Try rubbing her feet while you talk about the day’s activities, she will appreciate that a lot!!
How about putting your plate in the sink, even if you don’t wash them? Or bringing her a single rose on your way back from work? It doesn’t necessarily have to be big things like cars or diamond necklaces, as naija men are prone to thinking that’s what life is all about; those grand gestures that are announced from the rooftops to all and sundry to let them know you’re a ‘wonderful hubby’; a little kind gesture can go a long way in showing your woman you really care about her well-being and happiness.

As for us women, I would like to point out one salient fact: we internalize things a lot!!
Ladies, let your man know how you’re feeling. I don’t really care how you do it, either by shouting,singing,screaming or crying, na you sabi! but pass the message across to them. Its better to let your feelings out than to allow seeds of resentment to fester in your mind and heart. Trust me, I've seen and heard!!wink*
The thing is some of us keep looking for the so called ‘right and perfect’ time to err our views and grievances so that he doesn't feel like you're insulting him or hurting his oh-so-fragile male ego; but the reality is that there's never really a ‘perfect’ time to tell someone they've hurt you, or what they did you don’t like or approve of.
So buckle up gally,take the bull by the horns and I assure you,its the better solution than holding back and suffering in silence.
We really need to be more open about our feelings, because a lot of research has shown that we are emotional creatures. The way people treat us, especially our loved ones, really affects our overall health.
That’s why a lot of women in this country suffer mostly from high blood pressure and heart diseases.
So, Ladies & Gentlemen, food for thought!!Guys treat your women with more compassion, and Ladies, be more open to your other half.
I would really love to hear from you guys and gals, so please leave a comment, cheerio!!
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Think being a celebrity is fun? Check this out!
Hey guys, been a while. Well, this caught my attention and I decided to blog about. When we envy celebrity fame and fortune, we forget that there's a price to pay.
Read on...
Kourtney Reppert describes herself as a glamour model and an online personality. She posts semi-nude photos of herself online and sends out life-affirming tweets, which has earned her hundreds of thousands of adoring followers.
But in this digital age, where fame can come easy, so can the dark side of such accessible, Internet celebrity: Cyberstalking.
On March 8, Reppert began receiving vile, threatening emails from a man who claimed he would kill her and her parents.
"I'm going to stab you in the f---ing heart and cut your f---ing head off. I will kill your parents, cut them to pieces with a handsaw, do you f---ing understand me? Don't f--- with me or make me mad," one email read.
Reppert, 26, is a small town girl from Pennsylvania who moved to Los Angeles last year to further her modeling career. Reppert said work had been great until she recieved malicious emails from a stalker.
"I will kill you when you least expect it. You are very easy to get to. You know what my demands are. Time is running out," another email read.
Reppert said her stalker demanded that she stop modeling, delete all of her social accounts, move back to Pennsylvania and "be someone else." She was scared for her life.
"He changed the way I view people," she said. "I don't even want to go out. I don't even want to work because I'm so petrified."
Celebrity stalkers have been around as long as there have been celebrities to stalk. In 1980, devoted Beatles fan Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon dead outside of his Manhattan apartment building.
In 1981, Jonathan Norman was jailed after he was caught at Steven Spielberg's L.A. mansion carrying duct tape, a box cutter and hand cuffs. Norman told police at the time he wanted to rape the movie director. That same year, John Hinkley tried to assassinate President Reagan, hoping to impress his real fixation, Jodie Foster.
But the Internet has given rise to cyberstalking, a fast growing problem of public figures being threatened online.
An insurance executive from the Chicago area was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after he pled guilty to interstate stalking former ESPN reporter Erin Andrews. He shot video of her through peep holes in her hotel rooms and posted it online.
And a Canadian truck driver was jailed last year for cyber stalking a teenage actress after he threatened to kidnap her.
"They put the victim on a pedestal, but then once they're rejected, its anger, rage and rejection," said California prosecutor Rhonda Saunders. "The Internet makes it easier with Youtube, with Twitter, because these stalkers believe that the celebrities are actually talking directly to them. They think that they have a relationship, and there's a lot more information out there about the victim."
Saunders, who has handled stalking cases involving major celebrities, including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, said stalkers are seeking "power and control" over their victims and can get sexual pleasure out of scaring them.
"These are people who don't have a lot going on in their lives and all of a sudden, they can pull strings and they can make someone afraid of them," Saunders said. "In their minds, they can see their victims cringing and afraid."
"Unfortunately, we've seen stalkers who not only make threats, but carry those threats out," she added.
Rebecca Schaeffer, a 1980s sitcom star on "My Sister Sam," was stalked for three years by an obsessed fan named Robert Bardo.
Bardo worshipped Schaeffer until the 21-year-old actress did a love scene for the 1989 movie, "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills." After seeing the movie, Bardo went to Schaeffer's apartment and shot her in the chest when she opened the door. She later died at the hospital. Bardo was sentenced to life in prison after confessing to the murder.
Kourtney Reppert's stalker seemed to share that same possessive delusion that she belonged to him and no one else. Reppert said she received nearly 400 vile, threatening messages from her stalker, who knew where she lived, where he parents lived and who her friends were.
"That's what it was all about with the threats," Saunders said. "'How dare she, she's not remaining pure for me, she loves me, and now she's putting these pictures of herself out on the Internet.'"
So why not stop posting photos and tweets, and just delete her online presence? Reppert said doing that would cause her to lose her livelihood and keep her from doing what she loves. The stalker also wins and most likely won't go away.
"It's a Catch 22," she said. "You've got to put yourself out there, but I never signed up for what—this is not something I asked for."
The break in Reppert's stalking case came when she said she noticed a similarity in style between the vile threats and supportive messages posted on Facebook. The FBI first traced the emails to computers in Chicago public libraries, which eventually led them to Luis Plascencia's door, a 47-year-old man who lives with his mother in Chicago.
Plascencia was charged with interstate stalking. He has yet to plead.
"I feel relief, but I don't still feel safe," Reppert said.
The model has now teamed up with former Miss America Chelsea Cooley to start a website, offering advice and supposed to other victims of online abuse. But for her, Reppert said the damage is done.
"It's worse right now because all the while the adrenalin these past four months has kind of kept my emotions at bay, and I never wanted this person to see what he's done to me," she said.
Well, thats it. no sure say our Naija celebs they under go this wan oh! even if they do, I don't think it is as intense cause I can never really understand oyinbo people lol.
Read on...
Kourtney Reppert describes herself as a glamour model and an online personality. She posts semi-nude photos of herself online and sends out life-affirming tweets, which has earned her hundreds of thousands of adoring followers.
But in this digital age, where fame can come easy, so can the dark side of such accessible, Internet celebrity: Cyberstalking.
On March 8, Reppert began receiving vile, threatening emails from a man who claimed he would kill her and her parents.
"I'm going to stab you in the f---ing heart and cut your f---ing head off. I will kill your parents, cut them to pieces with a handsaw, do you f---ing understand me? Don't f--- with me or make me mad," one email read.
Reppert, 26, is a small town girl from Pennsylvania who moved to Los Angeles last year to further her modeling career. Reppert said work had been great until she recieved malicious emails from a stalker.
"I will kill you when you least expect it. You are very easy to get to. You know what my demands are. Time is running out," another email read.
Reppert said her stalker demanded that she stop modeling, delete all of her social accounts, move back to Pennsylvania and "be someone else." She was scared for her life.
"He changed the way I view people," she said. "I don't even want to go out. I don't even want to work because I'm so petrified."
Celebrity stalkers have been around as long as there have been celebrities to stalk. In 1980, devoted Beatles fan Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon dead outside of his Manhattan apartment building.
In 1981, Jonathan Norman was jailed after he was caught at Steven Spielberg's L.A. mansion carrying duct tape, a box cutter and hand cuffs. Norman told police at the time he wanted to rape the movie director. That same year, John Hinkley tried to assassinate President Reagan, hoping to impress his real fixation, Jodie Foster.
But the Internet has given rise to cyberstalking, a fast growing problem of public figures being threatened online.
An insurance executive from the Chicago area was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after he pled guilty to interstate stalking former ESPN reporter Erin Andrews. He shot video of her through peep holes in her hotel rooms and posted it online.
And a Canadian truck driver was jailed last year for cyber stalking a teenage actress after he threatened to kidnap her.
"They put the victim on a pedestal, but then once they're rejected, its anger, rage and rejection," said California prosecutor Rhonda Saunders. "The Internet makes it easier with Youtube, with Twitter, because these stalkers believe that the celebrities are actually talking directly to them. They think that they have a relationship, and there's a lot more information out there about the victim."
Saunders, who has handled stalking cases involving major celebrities, including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, said stalkers are seeking "power and control" over their victims and can get sexual pleasure out of scaring them.
"These are people who don't have a lot going on in their lives and all of a sudden, they can pull strings and they can make someone afraid of them," Saunders said. "In their minds, they can see their victims cringing and afraid."
"Unfortunately, we've seen stalkers who not only make threats, but carry those threats out," she added.
Rebecca Schaeffer, a 1980s sitcom star on "My Sister Sam," was stalked for three years by an obsessed fan named Robert Bardo.
Bardo worshipped Schaeffer until the 21-year-old actress did a love scene for the 1989 movie, "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills." After seeing the movie, Bardo went to Schaeffer's apartment and shot her in the chest when she opened the door. She later died at the hospital. Bardo was sentenced to life in prison after confessing to the murder.
Kourtney Reppert's stalker seemed to share that same possessive delusion that she belonged to him and no one else. Reppert said she received nearly 400 vile, threatening messages from her stalker, who knew where she lived, where he parents lived and who her friends were.
"That's what it was all about with the threats," Saunders said. "'How dare she, she's not remaining pure for me, she loves me, and now she's putting these pictures of herself out on the Internet.'"
So why not stop posting photos and tweets, and just delete her online presence? Reppert said doing that would cause her to lose her livelihood and keep her from doing what she loves. The stalker also wins and most likely won't go away.
"It's a Catch 22," she said. "You've got to put yourself out there, but I never signed up for what—this is not something I asked for."
The break in Reppert's stalking case came when she said she noticed a similarity in style between the vile threats and supportive messages posted on Facebook. The FBI first traced the emails to computers in Chicago public libraries, which eventually led them to Luis Plascencia's door, a 47-year-old man who lives with his mother in Chicago.
Plascencia was charged with interstate stalking. He has yet to plead.
"I feel relief, but I don't still feel safe," Reppert said.
The model has now teamed up with former Miss America Chelsea Cooley to start a website, offering advice and supposed to other victims of online abuse. But for her, Reppert said the damage is done.
"It's worse right now because all the while the adrenalin these past four months has kind of kept my emotions at bay, and I never wanted this person to see what he's done to me," she said.
Well, thats it. no sure say our Naija celebs they under go this wan oh! even if they do, I don't think it is as intense cause I can never really understand oyinbo people lol.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
How to Be a Good Boyfriend
1. Listen to Her
Once you've nailed the first few dates, it's time to take that next step and go from date to boyfriend. While it might seem like the pressure is off, you need to work just as hard or harder to impress your girl. If you want to be a good boyfriend, then make sure to follow these tips!
When you're in a relationship, you'll be doing a lot of conversation. That's why the first tip for being a good boyfriend is to listen to her; and ideally, you'll care about what she's saying. Even if you're tempted to tune her out, don't do it. Show that you find her opinions interesting by doing these things:
Occasionally agree or ask questions when she's talking.
Repeat back important information.
Remove distractions, like TV or video games.
Offer to talk later if you're having a hard time focusing.

2. Be Honest and Open With Her
In awkward situations, you might be tempted to lie to your girlfriend, but honesty really is the best policy. Not only is telling the truth a lot easier than keeping track of a web of lies, but it also makes it more likely that your girlfriend will be truthful as well. In addition, try to be as open as possible regarding your feelings and needs. Don't feel the need to tell her absolutely everything from the start, but slowly revealing your sensitive side will show her what a good guy you really are!
3. Give Compliments to Her
While men appreciate a compliment, women are driven and energized by compliments. You simply cannot hope to be a good boyfriend unless you compliment your girlfriend regularly. You'll gain a lot of favor with simple positive statements like "You look great in those pants," or "I love your haircut." Just make sure to follow these tips:
Try to be specific, rather than giving general compliments.
Don't overdo it with too many compliments.
Be sincere and don't give fake compliments.
4. Give Her Gifts
Giving gifts is the go-to move for boyfriends and husbands that want to show their affection. Women appreciate an expensive gift, but they also appreciate the simple thoughtfulness of a gift in general. Giving gifts at holidays and anniversaries is a requirement, but giving random gifts will earn you serious boyfriend points. These gifts don't need to be anything extravagant, for example:
The classic mix-CD
Scented candles
A simple silver necklace
Flowers and chocolate
A framed picture of you two
5. Trust Her
While women tend to have a harder time with this one than men, a jealous boyfriend is an ugly sight. You need to trust your girlfriend when she's apart from you, and allow her to have a part of her life that doesn't completely involve you. You both need time apart to spend alone or with friends to relax and recharge. If you have legitimate reasons to suspect she's up to something, then confront her about it, but that should be a last resort.
6. Touch Her
Physical touching is a very important method of showing your affection for a woman. A simple hand on your girlfriend's back or arm signals that you're proud to be with her and that you're protective of her. You want to keep touches light and innocent in public, and a little bit naughtier in private. Just don't touch her all the time or else she might get the impression that you're clingy. Here are a few examples of touches a good boyfriend should make:
Caress her cheek
Stroke the back of her neck
Hold your hands around her waist

7. Be Sympathetic to Her
It goes against everything we learned as men, but being sympathetic when your girlfriend is emotional will cement you as a keeper. Any time you can tell you girlfriend is upset, make sure to keep prying until you find out what's wrong. She'll probably try to deflect with an "I'm fine," but don't take that for an answer. When she blurts out the problem, make sure to listen to her and hold her tight. Once she's done venting or crying, offer to help in any way you can.
8. Be Affectionate With Her
Affection and attraction are two things that should come easily if you're actually attracted to your girlfriend. Try to make her feel like she is beautiful and deserving of your feelings. Throw in a little innocent PDA, like holding hands or a peck on the cheek, to show that you're not ashamed of being with her in front of other people. Also, make sure to say things like "I missed you," and "I can't wait to see you."
Ok guys, I have helped you out a little go on out and be great boyfriends!!!
Culled from Chacha galleries.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Megan Good's music video, have a look
So Megan Good and her girl band HELLO GIRLS released their new vid. I'll let u just watch.... lol
Five factors that make women feel insecure
When it comes to dating, most women have a few insecurities and they tend to worry about things differently. Your actions can make a big difference on how secure she’ll feel when she’s with you. Here are 5 things women worry about when it comes to dating or being in a relationship.
1. She thinks you might not call her after a date
The first step to building a woman’s trust is following through with what you promised her. So if you say you are going to call her on Thursday, call her Thursday. If you say Friday, do it. If that’s not your style, though, or you’d like to keep a little mystery, don’t be definite about when you’ll be calling. It’s better than breaking a promise and at least she won’t be waiting by the phone on a certain day.

2. She thinks you just want to have sex with her
It’s a hard line to walk: If you make a move too soon, she’ll think that’s all you want. If you wait too long, she’ll think you’re just interested in her friendship. So the best way to work this is to just be sincere. If you are genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship with her, let her know. From there, she’ll give you the signals to let you know when she’s ready to get romantic with you.
3. She thinks you’re dating other women
As long as you are honest about it, casually dating more than one woman at the same time is perfectly acceptable– just don’t lie about it. Keep in mind that once you both become intimate or the relationship turns serious, she might assume you are her’s exclusively.
4. She thinks you’re not that interested
At times, even the most confident woman sometimes needs a little reassurance that you’re interested in her and that she still has it. You could let her know how special she is to you by complimenting her or sending her flowers. Find ways to make your woman feel special through a romantic gesture like calling her in the middle of the day for no reason at all. If you both have been in a relationship for a while, you need to work extra hard to reassure her that you still find her attractive. Flirting with other women in front of her can also make her feel insecure. Remember, when you’re with her,devote all your attention to her.
5. She thinks you’re cheating on her
If you haven’t given her a reason to feel that you’re cheating on her and she continues to accuse you of it, discuss the issue with her and let her know that you are committed and have no intention of straying. Believe it or not, lots of women have a lot of performance anxiety in the bedroom. If you’re sex life is going well be sure to let her know it. If not, however, be sure to address the issue in the most sensitive manner possible.
Yes, the world of dating is harsh. But if you genuinely care about her, with a little foresight and sincerity, you can makeher feel more secure about your relationship and about herself and boost her ego.
Culled from Hot Naija News.
1. She thinks you might not call her after a date
The first step to building a woman’s trust is following through with what you promised her. So if you say you are going to call her on Thursday, call her Thursday. If you say Friday, do it. If that’s not your style, though, or you’d like to keep a little mystery, don’t be definite about when you’ll be calling. It’s better than breaking a promise and at least she won’t be waiting by the phone on a certain day.

2. She thinks you just want to have sex with her
It’s a hard line to walk: If you make a move too soon, she’ll think that’s all you want. If you wait too long, she’ll think you’re just interested in her friendship. So the best way to work this is to just be sincere. If you are genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship with her, let her know. From there, she’ll give you the signals to let you know when she’s ready to get romantic with you.
3. She thinks you’re dating other women
As long as you are honest about it, casually dating more than one woman at the same time is perfectly acceptable– just don’t lie about it. Keep in mind that once you both become intimate or the relationship turns serious, she might assume you are her’s exclusively.
4. She thinks you’re not that interested
At times, even the most confident woman sometimes needs a little reassurance that you’re interested in her and that she still has it. You could let her know how special she is to you by complimenting her or sending her flowers. Find ways to make your woman feel special through a romantic gesture like calling her in the middle of the day for no reason at all. If you both have been in a relationship for a while, you need to work extra hard to reassure her that you still find her attractive. Flirting with other women in front of her can also make her feel insecure. Remember, when you’re with her,devote all your attention to her.
5. She thinks you’re cheating on her
If you haven’t given her a reason to feel that you’re cheating on her and she continues to accuse you of it, discuss the issue with her and let her know that you are committed and have no intention of straying. Believe it or not, lots of women have a lot of performance anxiety in the bedroom. If you’re sex life is going well be sure to let her know it. If not, however, be sure to address the issue in the most sensitive manner possible.
Yes, the world of dating is harsh. But if you genuinely care about her, with a little foresight and sincerity, you can makeher feel more secure about your relationship and about herself and boost her ego.
Culled from Hot Naija News.
First Loyola Jesuit University in Africa
Preparations are in top gear for the grand launch of the first Jesuit University in Africa, to be known as Loyola Jesuit University (LJU).
Towards realizing this laudable project; the Jesuits are therefore organizing its first fundraising dinner for the first phase of the university.
The dinner holds on Friday, July 6, 2012, at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos, at 6.p.m, with a cocktail party.
Dignitaries expected at the historic occasion include Chief Emeka Anyaoku, the former secretary-general of Commonwealth, who will chair the event, while Professor Pat Utomi is the guest speaker.
The dinner will be anchored by the duo of Abike Dabiri-Erewa and Sunny Irabor.

It will also be attended by other eminent Nigerians, the clergy, royal fathers as well as some ministers and state governors.
According to the chief host and Provincial Superior of the ANW Jesuits, Very Rev. Fr. Jude Odiaka, SJ:
“LJU will become the first Jesuit University in Africa. It will be a multi-campus university with the School of Business Management and Social Sciences in Ogbere, Ogun State; the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Science in Ewatto, Edo State; and the School of Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences in Ngor Okpala, Imo State. The development of these campuses will accordingly be in three phases.”
Speaking further on why they are floating the university, Odiaka said: “Loyola Jesuit College [LJC] is becoming a fast-selling brand even beyond the shores of Nigeria. Less than twenty years old, the school has constantly won a top place in the West African School Certificate Examinations (WASCE) as well as garnered other numerous awards for excellence in science, mathematics, and sports. Several alumni of LJC have also excelled in various fields of learning at leading universities around the world, including: Harvard, Princeton, Georgetown, Fordham, Stanford, Oxford, Imperial College, Santa Clara, and many others. Owing to the resounding success of the school and the litany of achievements of its students and alumni, many Nigerians have long besieged the Jesuits (the owners of LJC) with requests to open a tertiary institution in Nigeria of the standard of LJC for a holistic formation of our youths.
In response, the Jesuits of North-West Africa (ANW) province now plans to start in 2015 our first university in Nigeria with the name, Loyola Jesuit University (LJU).”
Towards realizing this laudable project; the Jesuits are therefore organizing its first fundraising dinner for the first phase of the university.
The dinner holds on Friday, July 6, 2012, at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos, at 6.p.m, with a cocktail party.
Dignitaries expected at the historic occasion include Chief Emeka Anyaoku, the former secretary-general of Commonwealth, who will chair the event, while Professor Pat Utomi is the guest speaker.
The dinner will be anchored by the duo of Abike Dabiri-Erewa and Sunny Irabor.

It will also be attended by other eminent Nigerians, the clergy, royal fathers as well as some ministers and state governors.
According to the chief host and Provincial Superior of the ANW Jesuits, Very Rev. Fr. Jude Odiaka, SJ:
“LJU will become the first Jesuit University in Africa. It will be a multi-campus university with the School of Business Management and Social Sciences in Ogbere, Ogun State; the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Science in Ewatto, Edo State; and the School of Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences in Ngor Okpala, Imo State. The development of these campuses will accordingly be in three phases.”
Speaking further on why they are floating the university, Odiaka said: “Loyola Jesuit College [LJC] is becoming a fast-selling brand even beyond the shores of Nigeria. Less than twenty years old, the school has constantly won a top place in the West African School Certificate Examinations (WASCE) as well as garnered other numerous awards for excellence in science, mathematics, and sports. Several alumni of LJC have also excelled in various fields of learning at leading universities around the world, including: Harvard, Princeton, Georgetown, Fordham, Stanford, Oxford, Imperial College, Santa Clara, and many others. Owing to the resounding success of the school and the litany of achievements of its students and alumni, many Nigerians have long besieged the Jesuits (the owners of LJC) with requests to open a tertiary institution in Nigeria of the standard of LJC for a holistic formation of our youths.
In response, the Jesuits of North-West Africa (ANW) province now plans to start in 2015 our first university in Nigeria with the name, Loyola Jesuit University (LJU).”
Couple arrested for smuggling baby (5months old) in a luggage in UAE
A couple were caught trying to smuggle their baby into the United Arab Emirates – when airport security staff spotted the five-month-old hidden in their luggage on a bag scanner.
The Egyptian husband and wife arrived at Sharjah International Airport on Friday night but were held at immigration as they did not have a visa for the new born, according to Gulf News.Officials allowed them to stay until the relevant office re-opened on the Sunday. But in their desperation, the couple decided to make a run for it when the staff changed at the end of their shift.
However, they still needed to get through Customs screening, so they put the baby into a bag and bundled him through the X-ray machine.

But their plan became unstuck when security staff noticed the outline of the body on the monitor.‘This machine is very dangerous for anyone, let alone a baby in a bag to pass through.‘A case will now be raised against the mother and father, they both have visas to come to the UAE, but they have put the life of their child at risk.’
The couple were arrested and charged with endangering the baby’s life, who could have been exposed to the dangers of radiation.The pair, who The National reported had previously been staying in the UAE illegally, left because the mother was pregnant and wanted to give birth at home in Egypt.
It is unclear how the child was initially placed onto the aircraft without a passport.
Culled from Naija news
The Egyptian husband and wife arrived at Sharjah International Airport on Friday night but were held at immigration as they did not have a visa for the new born, according to Gulf News.Officials allowed them to stay until the relevant office re-opened on the Sunday. But in their desperation, the couple decided to make a run for it when the staff changed at the end of their shift.
However, they still needed to get through Customs screening, so they put the baby into a bag and bundled him through the X-ray machine.

But their plan became unstuck when security staff noticed the outline of the body on the monitor.‘This machine is very dangerous for anyone, let alone a baby in a bag to pass through.‘A case will now be raised against the mother and father, they both have visas to come to the UAE, but they have put the life of their child at risk.’
The couple were arrested and charged with endangering the baby’s life, who could have been exposed to the dangers of radiation.The pair, who The National reported had previously been staying in the UAE illegally, left because the mother was pregnant and wanted to give birth at home in Egypt.
It is unclear how the child was initially placed onto the aircraft without a passport.
Culled from Naija news
Kim slams Rihanna ban on Kanye
Los Angeles - Kim Kardashian banned Rihanna from Kanye West's dressing room during his recent London concerts.
The reality TV starlet doesn't want her 34-year-old boyfriend hanging out with other women on his own and with Rihanna's flirtatious reputation, she wasn't taking any chances when she wasn't at The O2 arena for his Watch the Throne tour shows with Jay-Z.
Kim is believed to have not been a fan of the You Da One singer since she was romantically linked to her brother Rob Kardashian several months ago.
Leave a party
A source told The Sun newspaper: "Kim doesn't want women near him unless she is there - even friends. The fact Rihanna was linked to Rob probably didn't help."
However, it's not just Rihanna that Kim, 31, is jealous of. She is also said to have ordered him to leave a party in London last week after he spent too much time with other revellers instead of her.
A source said: "Kim was all over Kanye at the start, but when he started to mix with other people she had a stern word and took him away from the party.
"He followed her orders with minimum fuss. He knows the deal."
- BangShowBiz
7 Reasons to Quit SMOKING
1. Smokers are much more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than non smokers. Enough said?

2. Smoking Makes You Look Bad
Smoking causes premature wrinkles, not just on your face, but on your whole body. It also causes many of these unattractive symptoms:
Staining of the teeth and other dental diseases
Tooth loss
Premature hair loss
Some of this damage can be reversed by quitting smoking, so the sooner you quit, the better off you'll be!
3. Smoking cigarettes not only impairs a smoker's immune system, leaving them more susceptible to diseases such as pneumonia, but also the immune system of those around them. Children, and especially babies, are put at extreme risk.
4.Smokers who keep smoking into middle and old age are much more susceptible to early mental decline, including dementia and Alzheimer's. These diseases will occur even if it doesn't run in their families!
5.Smoking Isn't Cool Anymore
Let's face it, most people just don't like smokers. It's becoming harder and harder just to find a place outside of your own home where it is acceptable to light up, and when you do, it's not a popular move. Also, most non-smokers won't date a smoker.
6.Secondhand Smoke Kills
When you choose to smoke, you aren't just hurting yourself, you are hurting those around you. In fact, there is evidence that secondhand smoke may be even more damaging than firsthand smoke! Each year secondhand smoke kills 50,000 people, and that's just not acceptable.

7.Smoking Can Cause Infertility
Smoking can cause infertility in both men and women. In men, it can cause their little swimmers to have problems. In women, it can damage their ovaries and make it harder for them to produce healthy eggs. If you do happen to get pregnant, smoking increases chances of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
It's Not Too Late!!!
Many of you may think you have already smoked so long and caused so much damage there is no point in quitting now, but that is not true. As soon as you quit smoking, your body begins to repair itself almost immediately. Some of the first signs will be a recovery of your sense of smell and taste, which should happen in a week or so. In a few weeks, you should even be able to breathe better!
There's plenty more guys, but these few should do the job, quit today!
Culled from chacha galeries.
When Love is Lost...
She hadn't smiled in ages; this wasn't what the romance novels meant when it said 'happily ever after' life was cruel.
Gozie had lost his job two years after our marriage and from then on, things went spiralling down.
He had changed; the sweet pure and innocent love we once shared was now mutilated by the harsh realities of life.
He got a job eventually, but our relationship has deteriorated. He has gone back to the life he led before we met five years ago; drinking, clubbing, partying, women...
I always hoped he would outgrow those tendencies, but I guess I was wrong...
My parents warned me, but I was blinded by the bitter-sweet sensation of that pure youthful love.
Love, ah, love, what teenagers read about and youths search for, why do you elude me now?
I found it, ignoring the warnings of my parents and friends; I went on with it, now it is lost to me...
It was wonderful in the beginning, we had fun, but that is all we ever had, fun, and when the job was gone, everything went with it.
I have been here praying and hoping that he would be able to look at me without that guilt in his eyes of his inability to provide a better life for us.
We had dreams, I inspired him, pushed him beyond his limits. His life, he changed for me but he has changed again, like a chameleon, he changes ever so often, loving this moment and the next, I am hiding a black eye from my mother's piercing gaze.
I was blinded by foolish love, I should have taken other things into consideration, my mother told be from friendship would come love, I laughed at her and thought her stupid, now I regret.
Yes, they say love is blind, mine was but now the scales have fallen from my eyes and the harsh wind of reality has hit me, sinking its cold claws into my once feeble heart.

I loved you Gozie, I have tried and I guess it’s time to move on....
Is happiness very important in a marriage or relationship? Should I leave? Or endure the pain? What if he should change? What if he doesn't? I do not believe in this love anymore...
RMD replies Linda Ikeji
Popular Nigerian actor and commissioner for Arts and Culture in Delta state Richard Mofe Damijo is not happy with Linda Ikeji.
The blogger of the famous Linda Ikeji blog made comments that has caused RMD to be displeased. RMD in a reaction to a story on her blog wrote in the social media site, Twitter:
“It has been brought to my attention that one Linda Ikeji character who I understand is a gossip has put up a story about my N250m (ordinarily I will never dignify her type with a response but with the calls, texts & bbms I have received I’d like to sound a warning to her (Ikeji) to desist from fabricating stories about me & get a life, knowing the worth of a property is not rocket science & If you find a dignified career path & work hard at it you will be too busy & successful to spread unfounded lies about people." he wrote.
The blogger while talking about RMD on her blog mentioned that he had acquired a house worth 250 million naira, Ikeji wrote: “The actor was born July 6th 1961. Wishing him many more beautiful years ahead. Meanwhile the actor has acquired a palatial home said to be worth about N250 million in Asaba, Delta State, where he is the Commissioner for Arts and Culture”.
culled from Business Day.
Droplets of joy make a happy life...
It could range from a trip around the world to having a cosy evening on your couch at home, or that novel you have always wanted to read, or a new pair of shoes, or clothes, or a smile!
It could be anything, it doesn't have to be enormous or outrageous, little things that make you happy.
Life as I have seen so far never hands any human the whole deal, there must be a snag, its like making a deal with the devil, you must give in order to take.
Fine, I am guilty of that jealous look you give someone whom you think has a better life than you or is more beautiful or has more money. The truth is, that person has problems just like you!

When i asked a friend of mine why she always has to be in stilettos even in the most impossible situation or a hectic day, she gave me a simple reply that made me lean back from the force of the blaring truth in her simple response; 'It makes me happy'.
It occurred to me then, that tons of stuff we do are not for ourselves, but to create a good impression for others to admire or what we feel is acceptable.
Doing things that make one happy doesn't mean one should be selfish, it means being content and comfortable with one's self to an extent, that one can give back to the world.
No matter the situation you are going through, someone is going through worse and no matter how good you think you are at something, someone is better!
The idea is to make the best of what we have and things around us in living life to its fullest, bearing in mind dat no one individual has everything he has ever dreamed of.
A man once said,
'if everyone drops their idividual problems in a heap and then asked to pick up any other problem they feel is a lighter burden, they would most probably pick up their own problems again, as no one can bear or understand the intricasies of a problem except first hand.
Thus the saying "He who wears the shoe knows best where it pinches".

So go out there, make the best of what you have, and remember, droplets of joy, make a happy life!
Monday, 9 July 2012
How Beer Is Good For You!
Red wine may soon have company on the healthy drinks menu. According to a recent review of more than 18 studies on booze, beer is just as good for your heart as vino. Drinking a little more than a pint of beer a day could make you 30 percent less likely than non-drinkers to suffer from stroke, heart attacks, and heart disease, researchers found. Credit heart benefits to the alcohol itself, and polyphenols (antioxidants) in beer. And make sure to drink that beer with a smile.
Culled from Yahoo!Health
Culled from Yahoo!Health
Sunday, 8 July 2012
How mother of four was beheaded in Ekiti
Atmosphere in Aramoko-Ekiti in Ekiti West local government, Ekiti State, was tense on Thursday morning when the news of a mother of four who was beheaded on the farm hit the streets.
Mrs. Bose Edijana Lucky was murdered on the footpath leading to the farm of her husband, Mr. NNaefenwa Lucky, both from Urhobo, Warri, Delta State around 9:3a.m on Thursday while taking food to her husband who was believed to be working on the farm.
Chief Samuel Okorefe, the chairman Urhobo Community in Aramoko-Ekiti, told newsmen at his residence at Amututu area of the town that he was contacted on phone that a serious incident had happened which forced him to come home.
He explained that the victim was said to have gone to the market in the morning to buy condiments to prepare soup and after she had cooked food, she headed for her husband’s farm to take his food to him, having told her to do so, claiming that he was going to pluck some, Banga, palm fruits in the farm.
Shortly after Bose had gone to the farm, her husband was said to have come to town calling for help, informing other Urhobo natives that his wife had been beheaded by some unknown people suspected to be ritualists.
There and then, the community leader with other elders went directly to the palace of Alara of Aramoko, Oba Olu Adeyemi and reported the incident to him.
Thereafter, they informed the police and immediately a team of policemen drove to the scene of the incident and removed the remains of the victim.
The cops were shocked to discover that the head with the neck had been severed as well as her two arms, with some chunks of her buttocks sliced too.
The husband was taken to the police station when he made statement and was subsequently detained as, according to the Urhobo community leader, he was suspected to have known something about the killing of his wife due to his statement.
Chief Okorefe described the deceased as an easy-going woman loved by the Urhobos as well as the natives of Aramoko.
Bose, who was said to be about 40 years old, had four children with only the second born, Eunice, 10, as the girl.
The eldest child is Samson, 12, who is in primary five like Eunice, Aina, Kingsley, 8, is in primary 3, while the last born, Endurance, 6, is in primary one, all of them schooling at Saint John Primary School, Aramoko.
When the children were brought before newsmen, they were all crying, especially the young Endurance, probably he had understood that he would not see his Mum cuddling and pampering him anymore.
According to the Urhobo community leader, when he asked the husband about how the incident happened at the police station in Aramoko, he told him that when he waited for long and couldn’t see his wife bring the food, he decided to come to town; only for him to see her lying in her own pool of blood with her head and arms missing.
Chief Okorefe, however, said he denied any complicity in the killing of his wife.
Members of the community were seen gathered at the residence of Chief Okorefe, who shared fence with Oba Adeyemi’s personal residence.
When newsmen asked the Alara of Ararmoko about the incident, he explained that Chief Okorefe came with his people to the palace to report the case to him while the meeting was on-going, but had to end the meeting abruptly when he was briefed about the incident.
He corroborated the comments of the natives who said such gruesome killing had never taken place in the town.
Oba Adeyemi, whose installation is still being challenged in court due to refusal of the former Governor, Segun Oni-led administration to respect the court injunction that ordered that installation process should be put on hold, expressed shock about the development.
He said: “This kind of horror is strange in this community. It has never happened here. This kind of horrendous maiming with body parts removed is terrible.
“We believe the law enforcement agents would be able to unravel the perpetrators of the dastardly act. I’ve met with the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, and State Security Service men on the incident, but nothing concrete has been discovered.”
In her comment about the gruesome killing of Mrs. Bose Lucky, the Yeye Jumu, a high chief in Aramoko stated that such incident had never happened since she was born in the community, reasoning that the forceful installation of Oba Adeyemi could be responsible for the strange happening. She expressed fear that such horrible incident might continue to happen in the community until the rightful person chosen by Ifa oracle and the true winner of the election by the council of original kingmakers, Prince Olusegun Aderemi is installed.
Another native, Adewale Alaro also corroborated Yeye Jumu’s observation, calling on the state government to expedite action on the call for stoppage of the monarch from attending the state Council of Obas and having access to the state fund.
The Spokesman to the state Police Command, Mr. Olu Victor, Assistant Superintendent of Police, disclosed that the husband of the victim said he asked his late wife to bring food to him in the farm and after some considerable time he decided to come to town when he didn’t see her.
On his way, he discovered the mutilated body of his wife in the bush along the footpath to his farm and came to report the case to the police immediately.
The police image-maker explained that a team of policemen had removed the body and deposited it at the morgue in Aramoko General Hospital for autopsy.
He noted that the husband of the victim was detained because the police suspected foul play, due to the fact that he was the only one who saw the dead body of his wife.
Victor declared that the command had not concluded the investigation or indicted the husband, but disclosed that the command had sent for their forensic experts to help unravel the misery behind the killing of the victim.
He, however, revealed that the husband of the deceased is in the custody of the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID, Ado-Ekiti for interrogation.
Mrs. Bose Edijana Lucky was murdered on the footpath leading to the farm of her husband, Mr. NNaefenwa Lucky, both from Urhobo, Warri, Delta State around 9:3a.m on Thursday while taking food to her husband who was believed to be working on the farm.
Chief Samuel Okorefe, the chairman Urhobo Community in Aramoko-Ekiti, told newsmen at his residence at Amututu area of the town that he was contacted on phone that a serious incident had happened which forced him to come home.
He explained that the victim was said to have gone to the market in the morning to buy condiments to prepare soup and after she had cooked food, she headed for her husband’s farm to take his food to him, having told her to do so, claiming that he was going to pluck some, Banga, palm fruits in the farm.
Shortly after Bose had gone to the farm, her husband was said to have come to town calling for help, informing other Urhobo natives that his wife had been beheaded by some unknown people suspected to be ritualists.
There and then, the community leader with other elders went directly to the palace of Alara of Aramoko, Oba Olu Adeyemi and reported the incident to him.
Thereafter, they informed the police and immediately a team of policemen drove to the scene of the incident and removed the remains of the victim.
The cops were shocked to discover that the head with the neck had been severed as well as her two arms, with some chunks of her buttocks sliced too.
The husband was taken to the police station when he made statement and was subsequently detained as, according to the Urhobo community leader, he was suspected to have known something about the killing of his wife due to his statement.
Chief Okorefe described the deceased as an easy-going woman loved by the Urhobos as well as the natives of Aramoko.
Bose, who was said to be about 40 years old, had four children with only the second born, Eunice, 10, as the girl.
The eldest child is Samson, 12, who is in primary five like Eunice, Aina, Kingsley, 8, is in primary 3, while the last born, Endurance, 6, is in primary one, all of them schooling at Saint John Primary School, Aramoko.
When the children were brought before newsmen, they were all crying, especially the young Endurance, probably he had understood that he would not see his Mum cuddling and pampering him anymore.
According to the Urhobo community leader, when he asked the husband about how the incident happened at the police station in Aramoko, he told him that when he waited for long and couldn’t see his wife bring the food, he decided to come to town; only for him to see her lying in her own pool of blood with her head and arms missing.
Chief Okorefe, however, said he denied any complicity in the killing of his wife.
Members of the community were seen gathered at the residence of Chief Okorefe, who shared fence with Oba Adeyemi’s personal residence.
When newsmen asked the Alara of Ararmoko about the incident, he explained that Chief Okorefe came with his people to the palace to report the case to him while the meeting was on-going, but had to end the meeting abruptly when he was briefed about the incident.
He corroborated the comments of the natives who said such gruesome killing had never taken place in the town.
Oba Adeyemi, whose installation is still being challenged in court due to refusal of the former Governor, Segun Oni-led administration to respect the court injunction that ordered that installation process should be put on hold, expressed shock about the development.
He said: “This kind of horror is strange in this community. It has never happened here. This kind of horrendous maiming with body parts removed is terrible.
“We believe the law enforcement agents would be able to unravel the perpetrators of the dastardly act. I’ve met with the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, and State Security Service men on the incident, but nothing concrete has been discovered.”
In her comment about the gruesome killing of Mrs. Bose Lucky, the Yeye Jumu, a high chief in Aramoko stated that such incident had never happened since she was born in the community, reasoning that the forceful installation of Oba Adeyemi could be responsible for the strange happening. She expressed fear that such horrible incident might continue to happen in the community until the rightful person chosen by Ifa oracle and the true winner of the election by the council of original kingmakers, Prince Olusegun Aderemi is installed.
Another native, Adewale Alaro also corroborated Yeye Jumu’s observation, calling on the state government to expedite action on the call for stoppage of the monarch from attending the state Council of Obas and having access to the state fund.
The Spokesman to the state Police Command, Mr. Olu Victor, Assistant Superintendent of Police, disclosed that the husband of the victim said he asked his late wife to bring food to him in the farm and after some considerable time he decided to come to town when he didn’t see her.
On his way, he discovered the mutilated body of his wife in the bush along the footpath to his farm and came to report the case to the police immediately.
The police image-maker explained that a team of policemen had removed the body and deposited it at the morgue in Aramoko General Hospital for autopsy.
He noted that the husband of the victim was detained because the police suspected foul play, due to the fact that he was the only one who saw the dead body of his wife.
Victor declared that the command had not concluded the investigation or indicted the husband, but disclosed that the command had sent for their forensic experts to help unravel the misery behind the killing of the victim.
He, however, revealed that the husband of the deceased is in the custody of the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID, Ado-Ekiti for interrogation.
A teacher caught 'doing the act' with a student...
I just came across a shocking picture of what looked like a teacher having s*x with a female pupil right inside the classroom.
Although this happened in Cameroun, it should still be stated that this happens in our schools here in Nigeria.
From the angle of the image, it was not hard to tell that the s-x was not forceful but it takes nothing away from the wrongness of having a teacher having s-xual int*rcourse with his female pupil.
I just thought i should send out a warning to parents and guardians to ensure they pay more attention to their daughters and female wards.
When parents play their part, we shall then ask the Lord to watch over these children while we go about our businesses in order to provide for them.

Although this happened in Cameroun, it should still be stated that this happens in our schools here in Nigeria.
From the angle of the image, it was not hard to tell that the s-x was not forceful but it takes nothing away from the wrongness of having a teacher having s-xual int*rcourse with his female pupil.
I just thought i should send out a warning to parents and guardians to ensure they pay more attention to their daughters and female wards.
When parents play their part, we shall then ask the Lord to watch over these children while we go about our businesses in order to provide for them.

Tips on how to get and keep a girl: Guys only please.
Every guy usual has that initial awkwardness when he wants to broach the topic of a relationship with a lady.
Deny it as much as you want, you must have faced rejection at one time or the other... Don't worry its ok after all the white man said ‘you loose some and win some'.
This rejection would certainly have either taught you better skills or made you withdraw.
These are a few tips on how to go about it...
Be Yourself!
This to me is the most important thing. Misrepresenting yourself impliedly or expressly definitely ends up in doom!
When a guy paints a picture of who he is not, and the girl agrees to go further, finding out the truth cuts short the relationship mid-air...

Woo her!
This is also pertinent, as most ladies love to feel special...
This mustn’t cost you a fortune, the idea is to work with your pocket...
Be Caring.
Care for her genuinely, that's a sure way to get and keep her. Extend this care to her family and people she cares about.
Don't be too busy for her.
There's a saying that goes like this
'If you are too busy to call me, I would understand,
too busy to listen I would understand,
too busy to speak with me, I would understand.
When I leave you I hope you would understand.'
That says it all.
Take it slow.
Some guys rush things, its actually annoying. It’s like buying a new technological device and trying make use of it without reading the manual, you would never know the extent to which it can suit your needs.
Get to know the person first, and take it slow, who knows, you may be better off as just friends in the end.
Speak your mind.
Never pretend that everything is all right. Say what is on your mind, just present it in the best way you can that won’t be offensive or result in a quarrel.
Be neat!
Try and be presentable. I don’t mean wear expensive clothes but be neatly dressed and be clean.
Don't go outta your league.
One has to be careful when approaching a lady because you know yourself. If you see a girl you know you can’t handle, just keep away and save yourself the stress of rejection unless of course she gives you the green light! *wink
Add this to your knowledge and if it doesn’t work, get down on your knees and PRAY!
These are my thoughts...
Saturday, 7 July 2012
That's my lovely friend that got married today in Imo State..
Wishing you a happy married life Mr & Mrs. Pascal.
God bless your union.
Lots of love
‘It’s a secret!’
Those words immediately got me thinking of the next person to give this sweet gist.
Hey, hey, hey, I know what you are thinking, that I can’t keep a secret right? Well, the truth is everyone can keep a secret, depending on how important it is to the person in question.
Secrets like;
That one time you took your friends stuff without asking and kept mute when she/he complained about its being missing;
That white lie you told your parents or spouse;
that porn you have hidden in your laptop or phone….
The list goes on and on.
If you ask me, the best way to keep a secret is never to tell anyone even your spouse!!!
There is an old joke that said ‘if it pinches you to tell, tell it to a brick wall’
Everyone remembers that 90’s movie ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ where their secret came back to haunt them a year later (it still gives me goose bumps).
More surprising was the startled look on a man’s face when his wife didn’t as much as flinch when he first told her he was having an affair,
‘The walls have eyes as well as ears you know’ was her cold reply.
Have you ever leaked a secret told you by a friend who categorises you as a best friend, to some other persons whom you believe are your best friends?
We Nigerians call that ‘aproko’…
We all have that one friend who can’t keep a secret even if their life depended on it! Lol.
I won’t hide it or lie; I am totally guilty of some of this … are you?
Friday, 6 July 2012
Obama trully the anti-christ?
I happened to have a discussion with someone the other day and he made startling comments and revelations about President Obama and about him being the anti-Christ.
Broadcasts about the issue have been going round BBM (black berry messenger) alluding to such facts also..
He claimed that the medical bill that Obama proposed, (one of the few bills proposed by this administration that was passed) which allows a chip to be inserted in the finger of US citizens who want to be covered by the public health care.
A woman writing in the US said.....
'A few days ago, my husband and I went to the post office to put up fliers on their community bulletin board. Our fliers are usually torn down, so we have to monitor them weekly. As I was putting one up a young man came over and we got to talking about the economy and how he was out of work and could not find any. The more we spoke the more I felt compelled to tell him I believed we would see the Lord return in our lifetime. We found out this man was a Christian and he mentioned very briefly that his wife had found on the web that human micro-chipping is right around the corner.
I had forgotten this conversation until a few days ago. When I remembered I started researching it and found out that it was not only true, but the microchip was incorporated in our last health care bill covertly. The process as stated in the bill will begin in "December of 2012". This new law requires an RFID (radio frequency identification) chip implanted in all US citizens. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. No US citizen will be allowed in or out of our country without it. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment". It is now the law of the land that by "March 23 2013" we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath the skin. Testing has begun with implanting under the skin of the hand. (I will send a PDF of the bill). Please note to look for "The National Registry" on about page 1000.
Revelation 13:16 ~ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.
Revelation 13:17 ~ And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 ~ Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six'.
this made me begin to ponder on whether or not fanatics take this Christianity too far, far enough to instill fear in susceptible individuals....
what are your thoughts?
Sex worker causes wahala
In Ibese, Ogun State, a commercial sex worker was so good that a disagreement over who had a right to her services led to 30 vehicles being burnt and at least three people killed Continue to read the full report...
Culled from Daily Times...
A contest over who was the rightful customer of an unidentified sex worker led to a clash between two communities in Ibese, Yelwa Local Government Area of Ogun,
The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) in Ogun, ASP Muyiwa Adejobi, who confirmed the incident on Thursday, said the crisis started when two men disagreed over who the true customer of the woman was.
Sources said at least 30 articulated vehicles were still burning as at the time of visit, adding that several persons who sustained injuries during the clash had been taken to undisclosed hospitals.
The source said that three persons also lost their lives in the crisis.
However, Adejobi, who denied that three persons died, said that the crisis escalated because it was not well managed by leaders in the area.
"The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ikemmefuna Okoye and other top members of the force had visited the area. As we speak, the area has been fortified with the deployment of more policemen. Residents of the area have nothing to worry about as we are on top of the situation," Adejobi said.
To forestall possible attack on the Dangote Cement Factory located in the area, an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) was placed in front of the factory.
Culled from Daily Times...
A contest over who was the rightful customer of an unidentified sex worker led to a clash between two communities in Ibese, Yelwa Local Government Area of Ogun,
The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) in Ogun, ASP Muyiwa Adejobi, who confirmed the incident on Thursday, said the crisis started when two men disagreed over who the true customer of the woman was.
Sources said at least 30 articulated vehicles were still burning as at the time of visit, adding that several persons who sustained injuries during the clash had been taken to undisclosed hospitals.
The source said that three persons also lost their lives in the crisis.
However, Adejobi, who denied that three persons died, said that the crisis escalated because it was not well managed by leaders in the area.
"The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ikemmefuna Okoye and other top members of the force had visited the area. As we speak, the area has been fortified with the deployment of more policemen. Residents of the area have nothing to worry about as we are on top of the situation," Adejobi said.
To forestall possible attack on the Dangote Cement Factory located in the area, an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) was placed in front of the factory.
Kris Humphries to be a Pop
According to TMZ, an ex-girlfriend of Kris Humphries, Myla Sinanaj, is claiming she's 3 months pregnant, and Kris is definitely the baby daddy!
Kris and Myla dated briefly early this year after his separation from Kim K, and if he truly is the father of Myla's baby, then the situation can be used against him in his divorce from Kim because he claimed he was devastated by the break up and suffered emotionally. But for him to be expecting a baby shows he moved on too quickly.
Yeah well, we all know how men are; their hearts may be broken, but it doesn't affect the little man down there :-). Let's see how this plays out!
Kris and Myla dated briefly early this year after his separation from Kim K, and if he truly is the father of Myla's baby, then the situation can be used against him in his divorce from Kim because he claimed he was devastated by the break up and suffered emotionally. But for him to be expecting a baby shows he moved on too quickly.
Yeah well, we all know how men are; their hearts may be broken, but it doesn't affect the little man down there :-). Let's see how this plays out!
Chris Okotie, trully a man of God?
Estranged wife of one time pop singer-turned pastor and politician, Stephanie, has opened up in what caused the crash in her marriage with Chris Okotie.
After Chris Okotie, including members of his Household of God church, have refused to speak with anyone concerning the matter, Stephanie took to social network, Twitter where she spoke at length, exposing the truth behind their crashed marriage.
According to her post on the social network, Twitter, Stephanie Adie Henshaw blamed the break up on the lies from members of the Church, saying “until the day Okotie asked me for a separation which led to my packing out of our matrimonial home, there has never for once been an argument between us. Chris is loving husband who respected and adored me”.
Here is the full text of her post; “Today makes it three weeks I was asked for a separation and a week four days I packed out. Romans:8:28 “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”
I am shocked as most people are, as there has not been an argument in my home. In over a year we have been as happy as everyone thought we were. I wait because I know in time, God will make known what has gone wrong. Chris Okotie and I have been friends for twenty years. I have loved and served him until the last minute of our separation .”
According to her she never saw the separation coming and blamed what broke her home to jealousy and lies from those who hated her in the church.
“Twenty years, I have known a man, 15 years, we have been the closest friends. I prepared all his meals for 10 years, including the four years we were married. The day I was asked to leave, I prepared his meal, served it and left. For the four years, he never fell ill but today, I am called all sorts of names, ‘witch’, and ‘mermaid spirit’.
“I have served Jesus with clean hands and a clean heart. I have loved all that have come my way and if I do not live through this pain and hurt as sure as Jesus lives, my children will see my vindication.”
She continues in another post: “Lies, not from the world but the church; accusations not from the world, but the church. Where are the spirit filled Christians, the ones who fear and hear the Lord. My husband loves and adores me; he is not the one saying these things, the enemies from within who hate me.
“They hate the mercy God had on me. So they come up with all kinds of lies. My going can bring one Mrs.Okotie, but what happens to the rest of you? You bring shame to the body of Christ out of your jealousy and selfish desire and in the process expose your pastor. The work he has to do cost Jesus his life, don’t joke with it. Our friendship is not based on marriage. You manipulated things at the expense of God’s work and name. It is not about me, it has never been: it is about the will of God.”
In another expression, Stephanie asks God to vindicate her in the presence of her accusers. “Have mercy on me o God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your name until the danger passes by. Vindicate me Lord.
“All things are open before you, righteous judge. I remain still, speak on my behalf. I submit to the end. I did all I was asked to do, Lord. I left the home blameless before you. I have loved but have not been loved. I have given and not received but that is contrary to your word, Lord. So, today I ask your word be made manifest in my life.”
culled from Vanguard newspaper.
youths and idleness.... thoughts
A chief magistrate's court in Jos on thursday sentenced a man identified as Abdulrazak Saidu to three months imprisonment for being idle....
One would wonder if our justice system is really being just.
This is however different in areas other than the Northern parts.
Should such stringent measures be take in the south and the east to curb idleness which leads to a lot of social vices and crimes???
One would wonder if our justice system is really being just.
This is however different in areas other than the Northern parts.
Should such stringent measures be take in the south and the east to curb idleness which leads to a lot of social vices and crimes???
Daddy laughed
I have never seen my father laugh so hard. Putting his left hand on his somewhat small stomach for a man his age, he gave out a deep hearty sound that brought a smile and eventually, laughter to my own lips and my mom, the centre of it all, joined in.
What makes the memory so unforgettable is the fact that the cause of the amusement was trivial but I guess it was so funny because of the fun and the excitement of exploring something new, a different town, country and continent: Dubai.
We had been vacationing in Dubai, and we had taken one of those long walks we usually had (as my father’s idea of a holiday was taking long painful walks in the sun with the hot and dry dessert dust enveloping us in its bosom) and we were exhausted, and had bought take- out food from one of the American fast foods that had outlets in the new city.
There was a couple in the elevator when we entered and I punched in our floor number. At the first stop, my mom got out of the lift on the floor that was obviously not ours, and the man got out too, leaving his wife behind. That’s what got my old man laughing so hard that he could hardly get out the words `we exchanged wives’ when I gave him a quizzical look, my expression more demanding than asking, what the amusement was all about..
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